Dear Officer Dear Officer:
On your side, that is, so long as you honor
your Oath. We are on your side if you are one of the majority of peace officers who are not corrupt and who have
not sold out to the socialists and communists — freedom betrayers who will do
anything, say anything to destroy the America our fathers and grandfathers
bequeathed us.
You see, our government is out of control.
It has rotted, from the top down. You
know it. You've seen it. But you, like
many others, have been too concerned with your job, your family, and your
pension, to say or do anything about it. Deep down, you know I am right. But you think you must follow orders. Or must you? Are you going to murder me for having the
courage to stand up for the country and the principles in which you believe? Are you going to go along with unconscionably
illegal, unconstitutional orders, just as "good" German soldiers
followed their orders? Are you going to
be a peace officer or a jack-booted thug? There is little difference between a street
outlaw who murders and robs; and a uniformed thug who murders and robs under
color of law. The result is the same.
Property confiscated, lives ruined, families ripped apart, murder committed,
and a free nation destroyed. Look at
history. Look around the world. As we move toward a lawless society, our
country moves closer and closer to anarchy and then some form of fascism. Are
you going to enforce unconstitutional laws? Are you going to be the private
army of socio/fascist dictators who masquerade as democratic representatives? Or are you going to do your part to
recapture America? Are you going to keep
your eyes and ears open? Will you quietly let me know when the jack-booted
thugs in the SWAT teams have targeted me? Will you let your fellow officers know that
they are being sold down the river by their corrupt masters? Don't come to kill me. Because I don't want to kill
Response by a
blogger: [ ] by Me This is the sort of thought that we few who
understand are beginning to adopt. Years ago, when our grandfathers would talk
of too much government and where we are headed, we thought they were out of
their minds. Old farts
with nothing to do but complain. Guess
what? They were right. Look back people, over your 30-40-50 years, how
many rights have you gained [lost]? How
many antiquated laws have been repealed? How "temporary" taxes have been
discontinued [continued, became permanant]. With each decade taxes increase, government
control grows stronger and more police intervention into the lives of every day
citizens [people]. We are losing control very quickly. Its being done with 2 tools as
mindsets. National security and that all
people are entitled to a middle class existence. Both are shams. You are either successful or
you are not. The entitlement set would
have us all believe that we owe the poor a good standard of living and that the
rich should fund it. The government will
take care of the redistribution. SOCIALISM. The laws and systems of control that we are
willingly giving away in the interest of national security are insane. The frightening thing is,
people have bought into this. A poster
on another thread stated that we have spent billions on the sham that is
national security and we are not a bit safer than we were before. It’s not about preventing another terrorist
attack people! They want more law! more control! more money! If you have no money you are systematically
weaker as a people and nearer to reaching out to the government for help. There will be people that respond to this in
disgust. They are the sheep. The ones who have already walked in with blinders to the trap.
At no time in my life do I remember more
people, Dems and Republicans on the same page. We are ALL becoming disgusted as a people. It may not happen in my lifetime, but William Coopers comments were spot on. Your government is against
YOU. All it wants is control. Control of your money and your life to
perpetuate its own breathe. Citizens!, do you realize what happened
when in the name of security the feds quietly SEIZED your right to travel
outside of the US without a passport? Brother
Sam needs to know where you are! "we cant let the terrorists
win", Guess what?! They DID!! Game over. They gave the government the perfect platform
to seize control over its citizens [The people]. If any sheep were paying attention to what
happened last week on the healthcare debacle, they will remember seeing
kickbacks...bribes being paid to certain states for votes with THEIR tax money.
In industry, THEY have passed laws to
prevent this behavior. When it’s OUR money, THEY do what they want. Watch your ass people. Cheat on your taxes, keep cash money on your
premises or person, and never, ever vote for an incumbent. Throw them all out at the end of a term. It’s the only thing that is going to prolong
the inevitable. For those ignorant
posters that will follow my statements with "If y'all don' like it cheer,
jus git on out!" Kiss my American ass, this is
ME practicing MY First Amendment rights before they too are violated in
something packaged to look like a security bill -- I agree Terre
Haute, Indiana Second
response by same: In case you were incapable of reading all
of my post OR whomever was reading it to you had to go
to their job, I will reiterate. I LOVE
AMERICA. I do not want to leave, I have
a first amendment right to free speech and so do you. As soon as you learn
the language you to will be able to take advantage of this right. You are losing everything and so am I. This is
no longer just a buzz topic. With the new President it is now a state of
emergency. I like Obama,
I voted for Obama, I made a MISTAKE. I
thought he was about change for the good and he was something different. I had hoped that he would bring an honest face
to Washington. As it turns out he is
nothing more than a typical Chicago politician. Worse yet, he jumped right on board to put the
machine dismantling our freedoms into high gear. Afghanistan? No sorry, my government has
restricted travel there to Military, Religious, Press, approved contractors and
family. They wont let me go. I cant
go to El Salvador, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, parts of Egypt, North Korea, Pakistan
and portions of Israel. All require
certain government approval, thanks for the offer however. Live pretty well? Yeh as a matter of
fact the bloodsuckers took 6 times the average household income in Fed. taxes last year off me and I am sickened by that. While the crack whores shack up with their
pipefitter boyfriend and baby daddy makin 1500 a week
in subsidized housing, I’m working 50-60 honest hours a week. While the "disabled" suck 1800 a
month out of the system for a drinking problem, I’m at work. So, yes, you are right in one sense, I don’t
like it here at the moment. But, this is
MY AMERICA and I continue to hold out hope that she can recover. Unfortunately because the general population
is a sheep like you, that is unlikely -- I agree Terre Haute, Indiana |
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Since The Twenty-fifth day of the First month anno Domini Two thousand ten Your visit counts as number Thank you! |
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