----- Original Message -----
To: Undisclosed List
Cc: Congressman
Bill Young
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 12:35 AM
Subject: FW: [citizensoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica_irs] The Growing
Army of Angry Men -- SO True
long but best written laymen terms article of how our sorry politicians have
destroyed our country.
These people are the scumbags of our society today and have been for many
decades. I have been preaching what scumbags the IRS is for 2 decades and been
scorned by family and friends but just perhaps today many have finally realized
old Bobby Mc was not so far off target after all. Mr Crovelli here keeps
referring to the Creature from Jekyl Island which of course is the 1910 product
called the FRB and the IRS which was designed at the secret meeting of the
Banksters at the little Georgia Island. This creature has robbed the American
worker of his compensation for labor (a plain as day violation of our
Constitution and unaccountable Judges (biggest scumbags of them all) failure to
follow earlier Supreme Court decisions holding that compensation for labor is
non-taxable) and now is primary source of corruption in America.
Ever heard of bailouts?
My CON gress MAN, whom I have confronted with this "greatest fraud ever
perpetuated upon mankind" many times over the past decade, has basically
avoided discussing this issue with me. I am sure all other CONgressMEN have
done the same with their constitients. They cannot face (or are they just
avoiding) the truth cause they are the problem. They are the reason
American is in the shape we are currently facing. TREASON? No doubt about it at
The Growing Army of
Angry Men Whose Lives Have Been Destroyed by the Federal Government
by Mark R. Crovelli
by Mark R. Crovelli

One of the hardest
things to deal with in the current economic depression is the disgusting
hypocrisy of the U.S. congress, the new president, and the members of the
Federal Reserve System. It is one thing to be told, as we all are, that we must
hand over fat wads of our hard-earned money to these warmongering and thieving
snakes or face jail terms, but one feels a whole new level of revulsion when
these people make statements to the effect that they, and they alone, are in a
position to "save the economy" by "creating jobs." These
statements are made by people who have done virtually everything in their power
to destroy the American economy over the last few decades, but who have now
proclaimed themselves to be our saviors. Only the most naïve and unlearned
among us could possibly be falling for the idea that a bunch of self-serving
politicians, bureaucrats and bankers are going to "save" us from
problems they have caused.
On its face, the idea that politicians, bureaucrats, and bankers could
"save" the economy is laughable. These are people, after all, who
live exclusively at our expense. That is, these are people whose entire
livelihoods are dependent upon taking money away from productive people and
spending it on themselves and their favorite wasteful projects. It's true that
they do not all share the same ideas about how to spend the money they take
from us. Some prefer to use it to blow up innocent people in foreign lands,
while others simply want to take our hard-earned money without our consent and
hand it over to other people. The bankers, on the other hand, merely content
themselves with printing vast amounts of new money out of thin air that they
either hand over to the Treasury Department, or gift to their other
banker-buddies to lend out at a profit at our expense. Nevertheless, it should
be crystal clear that these people do not actually produce anything
themselves (except the bankers, who are very skilled counterfeiters of money). They take
money from us through taxation and inflation, (and threaten us with severe
punishments if we refuse to obey), and then spend every last penny of it – and more – on war, socialized
boondoggles, and welfare. These are the people who would have us believe that
they can "save" the economy? How exactly would they accomplish such a
thing? More taxes, more idiotic socialized projects, more war, and more
newly-printed green paper? Do these actions really seem likely to produce a
vibrant and healthy economy, or do they seem more like the actions undertaken
by the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.?
They would also very much like for us to believe that they are the only people
in the world capable of "creating jobs" in the United States. A more
ridiculous idea would be hard to find. Again, these people are only in the
business of taking money from productive people, and either wasting it entirely
(e.g., war), keeping it themselves, or giving it to other people (e.g.,
entitlement programs, foreign aid, and paychecks for bureaucrats). As such, any
actions undertaken by these people will necessarily depend for funding upon
those who are forced to pay taxes; namely, the increasingly-dwindling group of
productive people who have not yet lost their jobs in the private sector. Does
it really seem possible that this sort of parasitism on the productive people
of the United States really can create jobs that produce the things that
people actually want? If socialized job creation is the only way out
of this economic quagmire, as the politicians would have us believe, then why
don't they socialize the entire economy? If it were indeed the case that the
federal government can "create" productive jobs better than the
private sector, then why don't they take over all aspects of the
American economy, and we can all live happily ever-after in a brave, new,
socialized America where everyone is enslaved, I mean employed, by the State.
And don't think for a moment that the politicians and bureaucrats are
themselves going to help the productive people shoulder this onerous tax
burden. On the contrary, politicians and bureaucrats do not actually pay
taxes. As Murray Rothbard has noted in this regard:
a bureaucrat receives a salary of $5,000 a year and pays $1,000 in 'taxes' to
the government, it is quite obvious that he is simply receiving a salary of
$4,000 and pays no taxes at all. The heads of the government have simply chosen
a complex and misleading accounting device to make it appear that he pays taxes
in the same way as any other men making the same income. The UN's arrangement,
whereby all its employees are exempt from any income taxation, is far more candid."
Hence, while Mr. Obama
is fond of telling us that "we" are going to have to get out of this
recession together, what he really means is that those of us who are employed
in productive private lines of work in this country are going to have to hand
over more and more of our hard-earned money to those people in this country who
pay no taxes at all; namely, men like Mr. Obama himself and the rest of the
fat, parasitic political and bureaucratic class that infests this country.
Some of the more shameless of the political class in this country, or their academic lackeys, have even tried
to convince us that the trillions of dollars they are wasting in Iraq and Afghanistan
are going to help us get out of this depression. They have been taking our
money and blowing it up in these two dreadfully poor countries year after year,
and they would like for us to believe that this senseless destruction of wealth
is going to make us richer. Often known as "Military Keynesians,"
this group is perhaps more aptly described as the "kill ourselves
rich" crowd. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that neither
you nor I are made better off when the federal government steals our money,
hands it over to Lockheed Martin to purchase bombs,
and then uses those bombs to blow up Pakistani civilians.
The only people who benefit from this forceful expropriation of our money and
indifferent murder are the merchants of death occupying lucrative posts at
Lockheed, Blackwater and the Pentagon.
What the political and bureaucratic classes are actually accomplishing very
well, however, is creating a veritable army of angry men whose lives have been destroyed
by the federal government. Many have lost their jobs, thanks to the collapse of
the largest artificial economic boom in American history – a boom that was directly
caused by the actions of the federal government and the Fed. In addition,
thanks to years of merciless and ceaseless money creation by the Fed, this army
of men has found that their savings purchase fewer and fewer goods over time.
This depreciation of the dollar will inexorably increase astronomically over
the next few years as the massive amount of new money the Fed and treasury have already jointly printed,
and are planning to print over the coming months and years, floods the system.
This army of angry men has very little to be optimistic about in the near
future. At best, they might be able to keep their present jobs in the private
sector – shouldering a heavier and heavier portion of the tax burden that funds
the congress and president's wars and socialization schemes, while the value of
their savings continues to erode into dust. Those who have lost their jobs
might be permitted to work on Mr. Obama's "public works" projects,
and thereby become virtual slaves to the whims of the political and bureaucratic
classes. Many others will simply find it easier to start sucking at the state's
teat in the form of unemployment insurance or food stamps, et cetera, and
thereby lose all respect for themselves. One thing is certain for every member
of this army of angry men, though; every single one of them will now find it
very difficult, if not impossible, to carve out a living for himself, on his
own terms, and without being at the complete mercy of politicians,
bureaucrats, and bankers he has never even met. The age of the independent,
responsible, and free American citizen is now dead.
hour is fast approaching when each and every one of us will have to decide for
ourselves whether we will try to fight this devastating government machine, or
join it.
February 10, 2009
Mark R. Crovelli [send him mail] writes from Denver,